Author:Ray W, Archer
Resumed by Pindo Tutuko for Study Seminar
Urban Planning Laboratory, Kanazawa University, Japan
Presented on Friday, November 25, 2011
Global Land Consolidation for Metropolitan Jakarta Expansion, 1990-2010
Urban land consolidation (LC) is an international technique for managing and financing the conversion of rural land to urban land. This paper recommends the formulation of an LC programme to supply some of the urban land needed to accommodate this growth. The three parts present on 1.The land and building development taking place around Jakarta, Describes LC as an international technique and outlines the Indonesian experience, and Identifies the possible applications of LC.
The Metropolitan Jakarta Region encompasses Jakarta and its four neighbouring regencies of Bogor, Tangerang, Depok, and Bekasi. The population of Jabodetabek is projected to grow from 17 million in 1990 to 30 million by 2010 with most of this growth, 10 million of the 13 million, taking place in the Bodetabek areas. DKI Jakarta is a “special capital province” in which the provincial and municipal administrations are integrated. The land ownership, tenure and transfer system administreted by the Ministry of National Land Agency. The physical conversion of rural land to urban use for the expansion of Metropolitan Jakarta mainly takes place by private sector land. This private development activity can be divided into formal and informal private development. The formal private development is the land subdivision and building development that is carried out on land that is held on a registered title, with the permits required and to the standards specified by the planning and building regulations.
Informal Private development is the land subdivision/partition and building construction carried out on land that is not held on a registered title. The informal development is that the housing, and most other buildings, are constructed by the owners’ self-build.
The four main ways of development
- By bringing additional unregistered rural land into the formal development system.
- By constructing the desirable network infrastructure in each project so as to convert the rural land for sustainable urban development.
- By creating a supply of serviced building plots on registered title for self-build housing development.
- By bringing some of the land currently blocked from development by the excessive location permit designations, into early development.
Definition of LC are: LC is a land development technique used in many countries for managing and financing the urbanization of selected urban fringe areas (peri) and also LC is a technique for converting rural land into urban land. LC is widely used in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and is used in some cities in Australia and Canada as well as many cities and towns in Europe, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia.
The LC programme would be designed to improve the process and pattern of urban expansion in Jabodetabek by:
- Bringing unused development land under the excessive location permit designations into early development.
- Enabling the farmer Iandowners to participate in the urban development of their land and to obtain longer term benefits.
- Increasing the production of planned layouts of subdivision land and building land equipped with roads, drains. and utility service lines.
- Increasing the supplv of serviced subdivision land and building land on registered title that is suitable for self-build housing development in the formal sector.
- Filling the gaps between the real estate company projects(the National housing projects, the kampong settlements and the other areas of informal urban development.
- lmproving the structure of urban development by specific purpose LC projects to establish networks of secondary roads, urban sub-centres, etc.
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